Please go to "Mansi Kern" link in right hand column and click that link for more information. Feel free to make a comment on this blog at the bottom. The program is being developed right now, so feel free to come back and check it out.
The Madrid Folk Music Festival occurs on the same day as Mansi's Life Celebration, and also Todd Lovato (Mansi's grandson), with Todd and the Fox is playing there at 2:45, so there is time to get over there. Todd and Eric have also kindly chosen to donate a number of free tickets to the festival in Madrid to people coming to Mansi's Life Celebration, so it is first come, first serve for a number of them. It seems very appropriate to honor folk music this way and dance and enjoy as this is a great way to celebrate Mansi's life work as a folk artist and performer. Many Santa Feans, over the years have performed with her and so that is a wonderful sign of her activity in this field. Mansi would dance or play or listen anywhere at the drop of a hat and so that is what we are hoping to do on the day of her memorial. It is sort of on the way to Madrid; go to Adventure Trails ranch and then take 285 to Galisteo and take the newly paved road, hwy 42 east to the Turquoise Trail and then left through Cerrillos to Madrid. Parking may be tight as the balloon festival and the music festival are in full swing. More about that later......