EAT Everyone Ate Today
This is the
logo and the idea and the statement and the acronym and the sole goal of this,
hopefully, self-organizing concept in which people get together in any way they
want to and celebrate, discuss, raise funds which go to their local PTA
organization (this could be the first order of business and method; saving the
volunteers from having to create a separate economic and structural vehicle) to
be earmarked for use only for making sure that the hungry amongst us also eat,
as it is unhealthy and distasteful and mutually damaging for people to be eating
next to people who are not; in other words if you are eating “next to” someone
else who is not, especially children (who do not have the means to be self
sustaining-being children), then there is psychological (loosely interpreted
here) damage to both parties ( the eater and the hungry will both be “hurting”),
which can only be solved by making sure that ……Everyone Ate Today.
It is quite
important that there is consideration and basic anonymity relating to helping
this situation; the children should be protected from being made into a public
spectacle or being singled out or being celebrated, even, or made into “poster”
situations to either aggrandize the donors or belittle or embarrass the
recipients. The idea is to prevent
hunger and protect that need by being discreet and prudent in the distribution;
again, these people do not have the power to control their destinies yet and so
need to be protected until they do gain the power needed for them to choose
publicity or anonymity.
The wording
for fund raising should simply be: we are supporting EAT, a self organizing way
for us to help the hungry, especially children in our community. It should be
made clear that donations should be done in trust and people should not give
more than they are willing to do without needing to follow the exact path of
their monies and to not be interested in press, fame, or filming of the
process. The political colors of the
activities can and should be diverse.
structure for organization will basically be set up by volunteers who are
loosely organized into “captains” and “volunteers”; self organizing through
email connections (never giving out email lists though) and contacting each
other with ideas where the recipients of the ideas can reach out to others
through their own resources and contacts and come together to form an activity
of one sort or another that supports EAT and the goals of EAT.
So….think of
something that you want to do, be a captain of, or volunteer for and watch the
exciting, fun and exceptional activities happen and feel the benefits of making
sure that Everyone Ate Today. Yahoo!
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I think I solved the comments issues that were troublesome; please let me know; ts