CONTACT INFO: PHONE 466-4403 or 660-5835
We struggled over dates for our party and were trying hard for the 5th of Aug, but it just was not working out and I decided I really wanted Bill Hearne Trio and with family coming in and Bill’s schedule, I had to make a decision. As I mentioned before, we have been in this tough position before with Dan and the Rifters and Cleveland Roller Mill. I wanted to make a statement that makes sure everyone knows we do not want to compete or conflict or dilute Dan’s fund raiser; let you all know that we encourage the dancers to honor their commitment to this time-honored event. That being said, I know there are some dancers who choose not to make the trip up to Mora for various reasons (including us for the most part over the last few years due to rain, cold and Belle’s health) and so we are hoping to attract those that have decided not to make that trek and still would like to have a place to dance that weekend. Here is my statement to Dan, the ‘dancers’ and for the record:“We wish the very best for the Cleveland Roller Mill Benefit Dance; Dan, The Rifters and all of our dancer friends who plan to be up there at that wonderful, time-honored function. We will welcome those who cannot make it up there; the stragglers and the like….to dance under the stars here on our ‘ranch’…with the Bill Hearne Trio”. – Thor and Belle