Note: these pieces may draw some anger; even so I think it important to know the history before making final judgement; I am not intending to apologize for any abuses by governments either.
**Tibet today:
In this video, the CNN reporter says the rent could be high in a new Tibetan village, but rural Chinese seldom pay rent or make mortgage payments.
**Tibet today:
Tibet Todayby Lloyd Lofthouse |
population of the
Tibetan Ethnic group
is about six million
and the majority live
in Tibet, Qinghai,
Sichuan, Gansu, and
Yunnan. In the Tibetan
areas of Southwest
China, reforms were
introduced between
1955 and 1957 in the
farming areas. Feudal
land ownership and all
feudal privileges were
abolished. In
September 1965, the
Tibet Autonomous
Region was officially
to forty thousand
Tibetans live in Nepal
and one hundred and
twenty thousand live
in India. More than
three million people
live in the Tibet
Autonomous Region and
8%, about 248,000, are
Han Chinese.
Tibet Autonomous
Region is located on
the Tibetan
Plateau, the
highest region on
earth. In northern
Tibet, elevations
reach an average of
over 4,572 meters
(15,000 ft). Mount
Everest is located
on Tibet's border
with Nepal.
activities are
protected by the
government. Temples
have been renovated
and repaired. Buddhist
statues, volumes of
scriptures, ancient
porcelain articles and
other precious relics
lost during the
ten-year turmoil of
the "Cultural
Revolution" have
been returned to the
monasteries. Among
them was a bronze
statue of Sakyamuni
brought to Tibet by
Princess Brikuthi from
Nepal in the 7th
century. It is now
kept in the Qoikang
Monastery in Lhasa. An
institute of Buddhist
theology has been set
up and preparations
are being made to
restore the scripture
printing house. Tibet
now has several
thousand lamas, and
the government sets no
limit to the number of
monks in the
to Lonely
"Tibet offers
fabulous monasteries,
high-altitude treks,
stunning views of the
world’s highest
mountains and one of
the most likable
peoples you will ever
Lonely says, “For
centuries, Tibet was
cut off from the
outside world by its
remote location,
extreme climate, and
environment. This
far-flung region
thwarted all but the
boldest travelers and
explorers — that is,
until the construction
of the Qinghai-Tibet
Railway in 2006, which
connected Tibet to the
rest of China.
protect passengers
from high-altitude
sickness, trains have
an oxygen supply
system that increases
the oxygen in the
cabin as the train
ascends and cabins
have private
outlets. The
temperature in the
train is regulated and
pressurized and the
windows are glazed
with a UV coating to
protect against the
powerful high-altitude
Travel reports,
“Robbie Barnett, a
Tibet scholar at
Columbia University,
says China has poured
in huge sums of money
to make the
high-altitude region
accessible for mass
UK’s Telegraph says,
“According to Xinhua
News Agency, Tibet
received more than 20
million tourists for
the first time in
2015, representing
190-per cent growth
from five years ago.
Tourism revenue
reached 28.19 billion
yuan (£3.42 billion)
in the same year,
equal to 27.5 percent
of Tibet’s GDP.”
In this video, the CNN reporter says the rent could be high in a new Tibetan village, but rural Chinese seldom pay rent or make mortgage payments.
million tourists is
more than six times
the population of
says, “Thanks to
the improvement in
medical services over
the past six decades,
average life
expectancy in Tibet
jumped from 35.5 to 67
years by the end of
2010, says a white
paper issued by the
Chinese government on
Monday …
has also been seen in
enrollment rate for
school-age children
was less than 2
percent and illiteracy
rate was as high as 95
percent among the
young and the
middle-aged in 1951.
years later, the
enrollment rate for
primary school-age
children of the
Tibetan ethnic group
has reached 99.2
percent and the
illiteracy rate among
the young and the
middle-aged has fallen
to 1.2 percent …”
Juliang Speaks on Tibet
(one of our interpreters from the American You Tour of China hosted by The
Peoples Chinese American Friendship ; 16 youths from USA, including Thor
Sigstedt, who took these notes, for 3 ½ months of touring and examination and working in factory and
field) Shanghai 1972.
“China’s long History with Tibet
by Lloyd Lofthouse
On October 7, 1950, the People's Liberation Army (PLA)
invaded Tibet. The PLA quickly surrounded the outnumbered Tibetan forces, and
on October 19, the five thousand Tibetan troops surrendered.
When you hear about China and Tibet, what are your first
thoughts? I suspect most people in the United States and Europe only know about
China’s alleged ‘brutal’ conquest of Tibet and think Tibetans lost their
freedom. If that’s what they have been programed to think, they are wrong. If
they think Tibet was never part of China before October 19, 1950, they are also
The October 1912 issue of National Geographic Magazine
describes how the Imperial government in Beijing managed a difficult Tibet, and
letters Sir Robert Hart wrote in the 19th century also mention Tibet as part of
China considered Tibet a vassal state or a tributary of the
empire. In fact, starting in the 13th
century, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasty troops occupied Lhasa. There was a
political governor and the Dali Lama, the religious leader of Tibet. Both were
selected for their positions by the Emperor of China. When a Dali Lama died,
the list of replacements was sent to the Emperor in Beijing and he selected the
new Dali Lama.
In 1890, a Convention between Great Britain and China was
signed that offers more evidence that China’s emperor considered Tibet part of
his realm and Great Britain agreed. Tibet is mentioned twenty-nine times in
that treaty.
Tibet has never had a Democracy and will probably never have
one. The following quotes show you what Tibet was like before 1950.
One error mentioned in this video is that “many” Tibetans
live outside of Tibet. Only 1-percent of Tibetans live outside of Tibet and
they represent the landowners and ruling class that fled when China returned to
Tibet in 1950.
The October 1912 National Geographic Magazine, page 979,
reported, “Lamaism is the state religion of Tibet and its power in the Hermit
Country is tremendous. Religion dominated every phase of life. … For instance,
in a family of four sons, at least two, generally three, of them must be Lamas.
Property and family prestige also naturally go with the Lamas to the monastery
in which they are inmates.
“Keeping the common people or laymen, in ignorance is
another means of maintaining the power of the Lamas. Nearly all of the laymen
(serfs) are illiterate. Lamas are the only people who are taught to read and
Under theocratic Lamaism, there was no freedom of religion,
no freedom of speech, and there were no elections.
It is a historical fact that a Tang Dynasty Emperor married
his favorite daughter to Tibet’s king as a way to stop Tibetans from raiding
into China, something that Tibetans had done for centuries. Tibetans were not
always Buddhists. Buddhism was introduced to Tibet by a conquering Mongol king
around the time of Kublai Khan’s Yuan Dynasty.
Then a reluctant Tibet was ruled over by the Yuan (Mongol),
Ming (Han) and Qing (Manchu) Dynasties from 1277 to 1913, when Great Britain
convinced Tibet to break from China at the same time the Qing Dynasty was
Between 1913 and 1950, Tibet was ruled by a Dalai Lama and
was an autocratic theocracy, not a democracy or a constitutional republic like
the United States. In case you don’t know it, a theocracy is a system of
government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. In Tibet’s case,
his holiness the Dalai Lama is considered a living “God-King”, and he isn’t a
Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim.” -Lloyd
Lofthouse from ichina newsletter, 2018
This is a question of minority
nationalities. “National Struggle in the final analysis is class
struggle.” - Mao. Each nation has its classes. Exploiters of Imperialism which split the
nationalities. “Workers of all countries
unite” “oppressed nations unite”. The proletariat in capitalist counties should
support workers in colonial and semi-colonial countries and vice versa. China is a multi-national country. This is the result of history. One nationality might be spread in several
countries. Han is the biggest
nationality in China. In
1957-statistics-94% was Han. We have
more than 50 minority nationalities which have thousands or millions in
population. These minority nationalities
total more than 30,000,000. The area of
these occupies 0-60% of the whole area of China. China’s history is one of long time national
struggle. Mongolia and Manchuria ruled
once over the Han and other nationalities.
After 1911 revolution, Chang Kai Shek ruled Mongolia, Tibet and other
nationalities. In 1949 there was brought
to end long time oppressions. The CCP is
a vanguard party composed of advanced elements of the nationalities; the
advanced elements of the minority nationalities joined the PLA and the party. The main force was the Han Nationality; the
majority of the people. After
liberation, the CCP conducted the Hans to overcome “Big Han” chauvinism. Where there is local nationalism- the party
called to overcome this. The party sent
cadres to go among the minority nationalities to conduct democratic and social
reform to help them win liberation from their own oppression. We unite with patriotic people of many strata
including the upper strata. The CCP
helps local places train local cadres, develop local economy, help set up
schools and cure diseases. Before
liberation, because of exploitation of imperialism, some minority nationalities
decrease in number. We help them
increase in numbers-cure diseases. Among Hans we call on people to have birth control,
but not among some minority nationalities.
The CCP helps create words which they did not have in the past-help
develop literature and art. For example;
folk dances. Liberation and the CCP put
an end to national oppression in China.
People of various nationalities help China become a prosperous
country. Tibet is an inseparable part of
People’s Republic of China.
The Social System before Reform in Tibet
Since 700 years ago, Tibet has been
part of China. Political systems,
religions, including title of Dalai Llama, position rights, all stipulated by
imperialist countries in Peking through dynasties. Tibet has a long and fine history within
China’s borders. Imperialist aggression
and serfdom systems placed great hindrance to development of Tibet. It was economically and culturally
backward. According to 1959 statistics- Tibet's
population of 1.2 million. 5% of these
people were serf owners. Others were
serfs. Land and cattle belonged to serf
owners. The serf owners consisted of the
Nobles (30%), the Monasteries (30%) and the Officialdom of feudal government
(40%). Serfs belonged to serf owners
generation after generation. Serf owners
exploited more than 70% of the products of labour. The serfs were denied political freedom or
freedom of action. Serfs had to borrow
loans with high interest rates. Some
serfs owed debts for 100s of years. The
nobles were hereditary; before reform there were 200-300 families. The big nobles had 1000s of serfs. There was complete inequality. Serfs would avoid, bow to or stick out
tongues to nobles (greeting). 240
various kinds of punishments are on display in Peking.
Chiefs were also serf owners. Monasteries engaged in exploitation by usury
and business. The llamas, some came from
families of nobles. The majority were
from poor serfs. The rulers of monasteries
could use punishment at will to llamas and serfs.
Feudal Government
Political and religious leader of
Tibet was called Dalai Llama. Feudal
governmental repression was in the interests of the serf owners. Power in the hand of big nobles. In 1949 Dalai Llama was only 14 years
old. Then the feudal local government
was called Kasha (6 persons)
British imperialists and Indians
have been harboring wild ambitions to annex Tibet. British colonialists have made aggressions
over the past 100 years. India has
borders in common with Tibet. In 1888
the British aggressors invaded China in Tibet at a place called SIKKIM. In 1904, British aggressors occupied Lasa,
the provincial capital of Tibet. British
colonialists gained privileges to engage in business in 3 places in Tibet. In these 3 places, Britain dispatched troops
and offices-post office, hospitals and schools.
Extraterritoriality-1947 the National Liberation movement was strong all
over the world. Vietnamese demand liberation. In India they demanded independence. Then, British Imperialists, under
prerequisite of maintaining colonial interests and handed power over to
landlords and bourgeoisie-who had been nurtured by British Imperialism. Indian repression took over the British privileges. In Tibet this happened, ie, India dispatched
troops and officials to Tibet. Enjoy extraterritoriality. 1954- After struggle between China and India,
India withdrew. India had tried to make
Tibet a buffer state.
Ever since 1904, when the British
invaded Tibet, British Imperialists and Indian reactionaries tried to annex
Tibet by launching a “Tibet Independence” movement. To realize this scheme, British imperialists
have been making efforts to handpick and foster lackeys among serf owners and
officials of Tibet. 1950, in October or
November, PLA (People’s Liberation Army) marched into Tibet. The Indian government interfered in China’s
internal affairs. Three notes to China
from India. In these notes the Indian
government expressed regret of emancipation of Tibet; said it would affect
seriously the restoration Chinese legal rights in the UN. They said it would sabotage world peace and
undermine friendship. China then refuted
the Indian government. When PLA marched
to Tibet, the local government sent representatives to Peking. One straight and other group via India. India tried to prevent the 2nd
group from coming.
How Tibet Was Peacefully Liberated
Second Plenary session of the 7th
Central Committee (4th volume of selected works) then, we have
fought Liao Nin Sen Yiant and Hwei Hei campaign. Peking was liberated and main Kuomintang
forces were wiped out. About 1,000,000 kmt troops are left. Then the PLA encircled Peking and Tingen. Tiengin was liberated after fierce
battles. Peking was called Beiping. PLA
forced chief general of kmt in Peking was peacefully liberated. FuJoe Li was appointed minister of water
conservancy. This part of kmt troops are
redesignated or reorganized. On the 2nd
Plenary of 7th Central Committee.
To liberate in fierce battles needs preparation. * To liberate some
places in form of Beiping has increased, ie, to force enemy troops to use
peaceful methods to reorganize enemy troops in rapid and thoroughgoing way
according to the method of PLA. Mao
pointed out that to use this method is not as good as battles in regards to
wiping out vestiges of counter-revolution and their influence. But Mao pointed out that this method is
beneficial to army and people-avoid casualties. In final analysis the counter-revolutionary
influence would be wiped out. Soon
after, the kmt government in Nanking sent representatives to talk, but their
Nanking government refused the conditions. April 21, 1949, PLA cross Yangtse
and liberated whole of China except Tibet.
In April 1951, when PLA marched on Tibet, the two Tibet delegations
arrived in Peking. One month later, in
May, a 17 point agreement of peaceful liberation were agreed upon. In these 17 points it clearly and definitely
points out that the people of Tibet drove out Imperialists and came back to the
great motherland of China. These
stipulate that backward system of Tibet must be reformed. Chinese government adopts a cautious policy
of reform. We give enough time for Upper
Strata to consider-so we slow down speed of reform. Reform of Tibet needs the full mobilization
of the masses of Tibet- this takes time.
So the former local government, troops, and money system remained
unchanged. The religion in Tibet was
protected and religious life continued to go on. Pary persuaded people not to engage in reform
in a hurry. But the Imperialists were no
reconciled to defeat. The Tibet leaders
did not stop lackeys. 1958-Indian
government invited Dalai Llama to India.
Out of friendship to India, we allowed this. The Indian reactionaries did a lot of work to
keep Dalai Llama in India. Chow En Lai
also went to India and told Dalai Llama Mao’s policies about Tibet. “How to Handle Contradictions Among People”,
“Reform of Social System of Tibet must be carried out. When the majority of Tibetan people and
leaders are ready, then we can make our decisions. We shouldn’t be too impatient” In the 2nd 5 year plan, Mao
pointed out that we should not carry out reform. Later Dalai Llama came back to motherland,
but the Indian reactionaries did not cease their subversive activities. In 1958-Great Leap Forward. In March, 1959, the Tibetan serf owners and
leading clique of upper strata of Tibet organized an armed rebellion. Afterwards, the PLA did not fight back
immediately. Still hoped they would
awaken. The PLA stared counter attacks
seven hours after rebellious elements attacked the Tibetan Military ally
command of PLA.
If PLA had counter attacked
immediately, the Dalai Llama and others would not have been able to run
away. With support of Llamas and laymen
in Tibet, PLA put down this rebellion.
After this, about 20,000 bandits in this rebellion went away to India
(these are the so-called Tibetan refugees).
After Dalai Llama went to India, Nehru received him and tried to inflate
the arrogance of these bandits. From our
own experience, it is easy to understand the “Bangla Desh” business, even
though Pakistan is not a “People’s” country.
In March 1959, not all serf owners
in Tibet took part in the rebellion.
20,000 out of 60,000 fled. (Not
all of the 20,000 came from Tibet). CCP
adopted a different policy towards those who did not take a part in the
rebellion. (Similar policy towards the
National Bourgeoisie) Ngapo Ngawang Jigne-now vice chairman of National
People’s Congress, was chief representative that came from Tibet and Peking in
1951. Was a member of 6 governments
in Tibet. The nobles and serf owner’s rebellion was a
bad and a good thing, ie, the social reform long awaited by 1,000,000 serfs in
Tibet was carried out ahead of schedule.
Tibet got rid of the darkest and most barbarous serfdom. From then on Tibet embarked on the road of
socialism and developed its economy quickly and the serfs in Tibet finally
stood up and put an end to Imperialism.
-Why Imperialists, Revisionists and
Reactionaries raised a huge cry of the Tibetan Question:
US Imperialists and Indian
Expansionists have been raving over Tibet question. They advocate independence of Tibet. Why?
Are they truly concerned about the people of Tibet? No. We
must make a class analysis of Tibetan question that National Independence come
from Imperialism and Social Imperialism.
Mongolia republic and East European countries have become colonies of
USSR. In the Middle and Near East USSR
Revisionists try to bring these areas into influence of USSR or colonies. What is the nature of Tibet quest-backing and
Imperialists and Indian Expansionism that upper Tibet strata plot armed
rebellion. To put down this rebellion
is entirely within framework of China’s internal affairs. They do not raise huge cry to show sympathy
to Tibetan people. Reactionaries have
not raised a cry against the horrible social system of Tibet. They show sympathy only towards the repressions
and reactionaries in Tibet, like Dalai Llama.
The Imperialists, Revisionists and Reactionaries raise a huge cry
because Tibetan serfdom has been gone forever and will never come back. They raise a huge cry because their plot of
annexing Tibet has fallen flat. They cry
over Tibetan question to sling mud over socialist China, to offset China
revolution and construction, and hurt other developing liberation
movements. US news agency made a newsreel
about Tibet. They spent 8 months making
a newsreel- reactionary and anti-China.
NY Times reported that US government planned to prohibit the circulation
of this film. Whether this is true or
not, anyhow, the Tibetan question was a pretext for attacking China. These anti-China activities are not to be
feared. China has been growing despite
the Imperialists and Revisionist slander.
In 1958- Dulles started that attack
on China. In CR, Imperialists, Revisionists etc. Launched wild attacks on
China, but these attacks failed to damage a single hair of us though they
launch attacks, China and Tibet has been marching forward in a movement that
nothing can prevent. The Imper, revis
and expansionists have been more and more resorting to slight hand-flag of
independence to split a country. This is
the ambition of Imper, revis and expansions.
So we must make a class analysis of independence. Must all make a class analysis of
1) Progressive
2) Reactionary
Progressives must direct itself against imperialism,
revisionism and reactionaries, On the other hand, Imper, Rev and React never
generally support national independence.
The threat vs national independence comes from reactionary thought.
So-called Taiwan Independence Movement is inseparable part of Chinese
territory. Now imperialists are trying
to create 1 China, 2 governments, 2 Chinas; statues of Taiwan remain unsettled,
therefore Taiwan Independence Movement.
In US and Japan a handful of renegades conducted so-called “Taiwan Independence Movement”. China firmly opposed those schemes. US troops must withdraw from Taiwan and
Taiwan Straights.
University of Michigan-
Very early, China and Britain had diplomatic relation. Netherlands and Britain have
semi-diplomatic. British imperialists
have persisted in a reactionary stand.
“The status of Taiwan remains unsettled”. The scheme is to recognize Taiwan as a
country if the Taiwan Independence Movement succeeds. So we do not exchange ambassadors with
Britain yet.
-India and Pakistan
The Pakistan problem is a result of British Imperialism. In 1947, when National Liberation movement in
various countries was surging ahead, British colonialists were forced to
recognize the Indian independence.
British imperialists refused to quit this area, refused to quit ; stage/ Divide and rule. At the time of Indian independence, British
imper. Divided India into religious areas.
India and Pakistan (Moslem state) also, but imperialists gave political
power to the big bourgeoisie and landlords.
88% of people in Pakistan believed in Islamic religion. At independence Pakistan was divided into
east and wet Pakistan with India in between.
Area of East Pakistan and West Bengali Province of India have common boundary;
formerly lived by Bengalis. Bengalis are about 100 million people about 70
million Bengalis live in East Pakistan.
30 million lives in W. Bengali Province.
Majority of 70 million people in E. Pakistan believe in Islam. Majority of 30 million of Bengali believe in
Hinduism. At the time of dividing India
into Indi and Pakistan the refugee problem was already created. When India and Pakistan won independence,
Britain had many schemes: 1) Problem of Kashmir-which state-Pakistan or India
should Kashmir belong to. Majority of
Kashmir people are Islamic. Kashmir
question has been constant source of conflict between India and Pakistan. India and Pakistan conflict, in this analysis,
a result of British Imperialism. 2) Why
India want to Expand. This also needs
class analysis and class view. Lenin-foreign
policy of state is=a continuation of internal state policy. I.e., if domestic is reactionary, its foreign
policy is sure to be reactionary. If a
country exploits its own people, it will exploit the world’s people. Before 1956, India claimed itself to be
peaceful and mutual. US Imperialists
(Men) try to infiltrate into India, de, support Pakistan-instigate SEATO/
Country ruled by big landlords and big bourg-economic s and political crisis of
this country is sure to be more serious with days going by. After India independence, India could not
solve domestic problems. Conditions
become poorer and poorer. ie., class
contradictions have been becoming sharper and sharper. Since 1956, US imperialists stepped up
efforts in exporting capitalism and () to India. Economic aid to India is like a thermometer;
the more economic aid to India by US, the more reactionary India has
become. 1959-1962, India was a colony of
British imperialists-US became the biggest country to which India owes debt.
So, with increasing US aid, India’s foreign policy becomes
more reactionary. In 1962, over the
question of Kashmir there was an armed conflict between India and
Pakistan. Kennedy started to aid India
with weapons. This gave rise to
dissatisfaction of Pakistan towards the US.
India invaded Pakistan with USSR support, while US is
increasing influence in India. From
1959-1972, the total economic aid to India by USSR equaled 3.4 billion US
dollars. Now USSR has become the second largest debtor to India. High rates of interest as high as 6 % per
year. It is hard for India to just pay
the interest; USSR controls much heavy industry of India. USSR has control of 25% of the Power
Industry, more 30% of Iron and Steel Industry of India. USSR has controlled about 50% of oil
production industry, about 35% of oil processing of India. India supplies raw materials for USSR.
Armed conflict in 1965
between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.
After this, US stopped its aid of arms to India. Since then, USSR is the biggest merchant in
ammunition to India. 1962-1970, USSR has
given aid of weapons to volume of 1 billion US dollars. In Indian army, the
soviet made weapons are dominant. In
August 1971, India and USSR concluded the so called “Treaty of Peace and
Friends” which is actually military alliance.
Exactly 3 months after this treaty, India launched attacks on
Pakistan. India has also ambitions over
Nepal, Pakistan. India constantly
interferes in the internal affairs of Pakistan and so-called independence of
East Pakistan. In April, 1965, India
needed splittist elements in Pakistan to cook up Bangla
Desh. Activities are mainly in New Delhi
and Calcutta in Bengali Province. They
dispatched so-called “Freedom Fighters” to East Pakistan. This caused refugees to go in India. Putting up flag of “Independence of Bangla
Desh” and under the pretext of refugee problems, saying that India is
threatened by refugees, India launched (invasion) towards 1971. This pretext cannot prevail. The “refugee problem” is [product of Indian
interference. About 10 years ago India
caused the same problem in Tibet. They
used the coercion and intimidation of take away 10s of 1000s of Tibetan people
to go into India to set up exile government headed by the Dalai Llama with
anti-China activities. After India
launched open armed aggression, USSR formally proposed to invite
representatives of Bangla Desh to the Security Council. This met objections from other countries. Two days later, India extended formal
recognition of Bangla Desh. December 6th
or 7th, UN passed a resolution, 104 in favor, 11 against, demanded
that India and Pakistan withdraw their own troops to their own countries. Among the 11 votes against this are Ukraine,
Bello Russia, USSR, India, Mongolia, etc..
Why are these 104 votes that demanded seize fire? This reflects the common desire of small and
medium countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia to demand states
sovereignty. If this corrupt pretext
prevails, the sovereignty of many small and medium countries cannot prevail. India and USSR, etc, totally disregarded the
UN and occupied East Pakistan. This
further exposed the ambitions and schemes of Soviet Social Imperialism and
Indian Expansionists.
1) Nature of conflict is on the one hand, between aggression and
anti-aggression, on the other, interference in internal affairs and the
opposite. On this point, China’s stand is to oppose the
aggression and interference of others’ internal affairs.
2) Why is India set on expansion? Foreign policy is continuation of domestic
policy. Big landlords and bourgeoisie
took over mantle of British Imperialism, harboring wild ambitions over other
territories. This is Reactionary
Materialism. The severe exploitation by
India has aggravated class contradictions at home. Reactionaries use nationalism to divert the
dissatisfaction and discontent against the government. Indian reactionaries use expansion and
anti-China to gain more and from Imperialists and USSR revisionists.
The more aid by imperialists to India, the more reactionary
the Indian Foreign policy becomes.
Why is USSR to active in India? USSR revisionists do this to further control
India and expand influence in Indian subcontinent and the Indian Ocean.
The competition for hegemony.
Here we can see why vote of US comes with 104 votes. US did not vote to preserve the principles of
object to interference of internal affairs.
China and Chinese people keep firmly objecting to interference in
internal affairs of Pakistan. We hold
that internal disputes should be held by consultation with neighboring
countries. Pakistan problems should be
solved by their own countries. We never
resort of bourgeois pragmatism.
In the past, USSR in disregard of historical facts said that
Kashmir belongs to India to curry favor with India. China does not barter principles.
Majority of Kashmir are Islamic, so according to logic, the Kashmir
question should be solved be referendum in Kashmir.
Volume I-Selected Works Unity.
We have diplomatic relations with Burma, Chairman of
Communist Party in Burma. On National
Day, the communist party of= member is on the roster, while the ambassador is
on the reviewing stand.
Support is according to concrete conditions. Main Principle, support people of
countries. Ultimate air is to wipe out
oppression and Imperialism.
Foreign Policy – to develop relations of friendship, mutual assistance
and cooperation with socialist countries as principle of Proletarian
To support revolutionary struggles of all oppressed people. See-comment #9 of comments between USSR and
General line of foreign Policy of USSR revision-peaceful co-existence,
this is above everything. Unity with
socialist countries and support of revolutionary struggle are subordinate to
Peaceful Co-existence.