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Saturday, December 24, 2022
Monday, July 4, 2022
Susurrus soothing solidified solace
Observing sound's romance with
Turgid agua creek banks and tall tremulous leaves, trees stretching yoga postures
Blue blue sky suggesting eternal value
To have and share vibrance ripples
Eddies upon Eddies upon Eddy's
Dancing rivulets of water/flow/times
Vortexian self-similarity like fractals
Doing the Schottisch one two three hop,one two three hop, hop, hop, hop, hop…
Affectionate mental love making because
There is no comparison to being with this Mistress, except true love and one- ness;
Is no substitute but a great gratitudinous
Ecstacy, kisses upon kisses
Deep intensity of sensitive chaos amidst
Forest glade and grass blade
The screenplay priceless photos
No fire other than the fire rushing pell mell
Along with multitudes of skirts up and no shame Anywhere.
Children running in almost mindless play
Glad tidings to all; happy to be right here
With a heart to feel the timeless joy and dances
Glance at the hand that so sublimely echos and mirrors the working man's hands and, oddly, the stones that speak of eons of effort
Don't really need a girlfriend cause this is Unconditional Love
such lover we come back to over and over
Honey dripping from her mouth
Water pouring out of her and nothing else to do but be naturally gorgeous and mysterious;
Susurrus is her name and flowing over rocks is her game;Nurturing the grassy banks and knolls
Frolic in the Forest Arroyo.
Volver Volver Volver , a tus Brazos otra vez
Pebbles and stones and boulders all cohabiting and each silently screaming,
Look at me on my billionth birthday today,
More or less. Yes I've been around these parts.
Volver a mis Brazos otra vez.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Monday, May 9, 2022
When a woman loses a pregnancy there can be great grief and little support out there.
What do I mean?
A profound thing happens but often there are not clear reasons; mostly statistics for how often this happens; 25 per cent of the time, they say. It is not considered all that important in some ways.
The body or some circumstance has somehow made a decision to abort.
The mother can grieve but there is not a body of deep understanding; like a strange little secret about the mystery being cast out somehow.
No religious ceremony.
No burial
No Grave
No poetry to read
Few people to talk to…
No time off work
No money
No presents
Just no hopes anymore.
When a woman makes that decision,
In the situation of needing to do what
Nature does 25 per cent of the time;
Make a decision maybe once or twice in a lifetime
Then still there is no poetry to read
No service
No support
No clean path.
So these women have a lot in common in one way and so does the slave woman who is impregnated or the girl on her first date or a women in a myriad of situations like this who might still wonder what the child might have looked like or acted like.
Natural curiosity.
Natural thoughts.
Like the pain of lost love
Or the pain of losing anything
Or the relief.
We need to control our bodies
Like how our hands make something.
How we decide to be ourselves.
Or see our lives like falling leafs
And we learn to let other people just be themselves and not try to change them;
Turns out we pretty much can't anyway.
No matter how hard we try
Just almost impossible.
So it appears that life is about
Choices; for all of us, even,
Sometimes really really impossibly
Tough ones.
Still about probabilities and compromises,
Still about survival, just as our natural bodies seem to make tough decisions based on complicated calculus, so we, the owners of our bodies do the same and we attempt to Manage.
The unspeakable cruelty of a misogynist's
Prying into their bodies and lives to ascertain that perhaps the woman ingested a pill is beyond reproach and yet, this is the world we find ourselves in;
Where a woman cowers while a man who needs a free vasectomy gloats about his concern for life.
Shame on them; those men and their patriarchal religions.
A woman should never ever ever be under the thumb of a man or have a man pry into their lives and bodies.
This must stop and most of the world knows it, except for the uneducated, fanatics.
Shame on them; hypocrites as they send their tender children off to war to die in their places.
They open up the grief and pain and stomp around by suggesting they will codify their dominance and intrusion.
The pain
Cowards and true murderers in fact!
Dogs in mangers.
You who have no tools to be a mother;
Back off!