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Monday, May 2, 2011

Honey Drenched Mouth

The evil man  bin Laden is dead.
Shot in the head
Millions cried, a million died,
The millionaire heir is dead

How can a man smile who has masterminded
Such destruction?
How can they look so beautific
As heads roll and children die,
Because of what you thought
And decided to bear arms and train for “terror”?

Hiding in a million dollar mansion/stronghold
Burning your own trash to limit contact;
No dna, methinks, no dna to find in the trash.
Not running from cave to cave up high in the hills
Not drinking tepid tea by candlelight,
Not a fox on the run,
But a man in a mansion, built by funny money

Never trust a spiritual leader
Who does not dance.
Watch that smile, folks, it can deceive, as it did.
Hitler was a vegetarian,
Can’t  always trust them, Ghandi said;
…they kill each other.

Jimmy Carter who raised bees honestly said it best
Referring to all sides of the fence;
The greatest threat in the world today is:
Religious Fundamentalism

So that sicky sweet honey drenched mouth
Can deliver bombs to children and ……
Cause others to do the same,
Cause others to do the same,
Cause others to do the same

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