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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Remember Oslo (and Thor's Hammer)

Maybe we can begin to line up the forces at work in the world today and see what appears to be happening on a regular basis. Religious fundamentalism of any kind is at fault for so much pain and war that it poses a threat to society as a whole. President Carter ( who did not shed a drop of American blood during his time in office, reputedly) has identified the problem publicly and is posing himself (a deeply religious person) against fundamentalism. There is a difference between the borderline fundamentalist icons of Palin and Bachmann and Bush and Khamenei or Bin Laden (who are on or on the border of that danger zone) and Carter, who promotes acceptance and tolerance (except in the case of this fundamentalist danger). The reasons for the danger lie in the notions of connecting church and state (unconstitutional) and railing against truth; science (albeit “amoral” sometimes or subject to vulgar interpretations) representing truth and religious fundamentalism representing “fairy tales” that are obviously untrue; this fact not dissuading many people who do not seem to have the ability or education to see this. The “fairy tale” mentality also lends itself to the dark side of most fairy tales and religious mythology, which is often death and destruction ; jihadism, nationalism, Armageddon and Rapture, regal authority, religious authority, crusades, apocalyptic notions, rabid reactions to women’s rights (responsible for most of the destruction these days…..I think), gridlock in congress (trickle-down economics is your basic fairy tale), terrorism and the terror-like responses (torture, etc.) to terrorism, immoral history of Catholics in relation to sexual abuse in recent years and apartheid ( as suggested by many in relation to Israel….a basically religious community bent on ethnic cleansings of sorts). Now Oslo; a horrid reminder; guns in the wrong hands ( Tucson, remember that easily purchased …….. NRA idiots readily selling guns to madmen……..Glock with that insertable cartridge) send a clear message: hear about a religious ( or NRA; right-wing) fundamentalist and you had better run away really fast (or dial 911)……or both. It’s in the news; they will either shoot you or sell you the gun; no questions asked. It’s our right to know.

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