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Monday, August 29, 2011

There is Irony in the Air

There is irony in the air. Those that understand how we got here are people who have learned that these are immutable truths; that evolution is the way we got here. Period. To call it a theory is misleading to the doubters. It has been proven. Creation theory is not proven, in any sense of the word, as the “word” relates to truth. The irony is that the creationists espouse, more often than not, and without realizing it, what is called “vulgar social darwinism” which is a wordy way of saying that they believe in a spin off notion of “survival of the fittest” as embodied by many conservative notions such as: “freedom” means “unfettered capitalism”, capitalism means survival of the fittest, “socialism” mean “communism” which means that the wealth must stay in the hands of the wealthy or else we are communists, “communism means the devil”, capitalism means survival of the strongest and no government, globalism, corporate strength, freedom to accumulate wealth however you see fit, be the world’s “superpower” (junk yard dog, my way or the highway) and let the weaker amongst us slip off the boat,. It is called “vulgar” social darwinism because it is not only a misinterpretation of Darwin, but a less than pretty way of doing it. Social darwinism relates to the fact that these people have applied to a scientific theory of evolution and mating systems a context that was never intended or talked about by applying “survival of the fittest” across the board into financial, economic and social applications that have no bearing on evolution; in fact, clearly may damage it. The reason why this has become a part of our culture in general and pounded by the right wing (who , again, ironically espouse fundamentalist irony within an irony; Jesus being the blessed are the meek and turn the other cheek and the rich man going to heaven is like the camel going through the eye of a needle sort of guy)..... in such a fundamental way) is that during the Cold War when everything about communism was battled, we became brainwashed (a term usually referring to communism, by the way) by the corporate, capitalist, greedy and selfish Reaganesque people that trickle down was the way to go, that corporations needed to be promoted and that freedom meant capitalism and......yes......Survival of the Fittest. Anything other than this was heading straight for the dreaded communism. So, to reiterate: the GOP and TEA have become, on the whole, the proponents of a vulgar notion of Darwin’s theory, twisting it and corrupting it, but they do not believe in evolution as it conflicts with Christian fundamentalist religion. These are the people that kill people fairly easily (in wars, in the justice system, with lots of handguns, etc.) but would deny a woman’s right to control her body (thus her life). So, to go further, it is clear that fundamentalists want survival of the fittest (men) to control as much as they can (kind of like the islamic fundamentalists,terrorists, with no regulations to stop their free capitalist progress to the top of the economic ladder or their male dominance (quite Darwinian sounding, isn’t it) . If only the irony stopped here, but it does not; the soon to be largest economy and economic strength in the world and to whom we have been borrowing from and buying from and hiring is a godless communist country, China, which has done a great job of learning how to take care of themselves and make things and better themselves (with no help from us to begin with). Ha ha, the joke is on us. And on a less hysterical note; it is becoming more and more clear that non-zero sum actions and realities such as natural and cultural altruism in many realms of biology, including humans; have propelled the most important contributions to civilization so far. So better get with it, ya’ll. You might get left behind, because, like the Neanderthals, you just don’t seem smart enough or well educated enough or kind enough to be a fruitful part of our lives as we work towards a fundamentally sound and balanced understanding of the world around us! The final irony, of course, is that these people will never read this ! They have god and air conditioning and a fascistic government and glocks to take care of any problems that might come their way, like the theory of global warming (which, like evolution is far beyond a theory). Sorry to be so hard on you, folks, but it is time to wake up.

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