Why does everything seem so complicated?
The congress just can’t agree anymore about anything, it seemsAnd neither does the other aspects of life just line up and behave
As if we must agree to disagree and move along at the same time, walking on two legs or more…..
Dancing down the path towards certain demise. Progress at all costs, I say (not any cost, I think)When I try to see the spaces between things more than the things
And imagine two parallel lines crossing as they curve around the multiverseDimensions penetrating each other ; a wild basket if I ever saw one,
I feel better; like watching ducks play in the water or licking fire with smokeRaindrops on bubbles that float effortlessly popping into scenes of horses
Galloping to keep up with burros, who dream of longevity as they eat flower petalsEschewing bitter stems and listen to the susurrus eddies of the first trickles
of February Thaw across the main road and wetting those time nuggets of essential wonder
and sacred shapes we call rocks, Every tiny or massive obstacle and object has an eddy on the down side of the flow of water and air
And smoke and, just maybe, space itselfAnd the dog wags its tail into the warped air, always happy, never tiring
Not aware of much more than its happiness in the moment; Glad to be going home the long way againAnd the groggy driver follows in the ruts in the road and is guided by the tiny white tip of the tail
In hopes of making it home again after having that last “one for the ditch”
Waltzing through Texas, again, with you in my armsWatching the tintsyest fairy dust of crystal clear snow crystals waft in the moonlight
After playing lots of songs and singing with you by the split wood pile and stove, my love
Won’t you be my Valentime?
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I think I solved the comments issues that were troublesome; please let me know; ts